As someone close to community coordination, one of the ways you create change in a community isn't by creating your own change, but finding people and training them how to create change. In this way you are both serving the community by not only creating a community of change but also their apparatus on how that change will induce.

Specifically, my observations are in christian outreach and one of the best ways to reach Christian communities is by recruiting leaders and tasking them with sub-missions, usually with the youth. In this way, one thinks they are outreaching to the youth but are themselves the community a leader has grown and raise.

Analogously, I think of how quickly King Kamehameha of Hawai'i conquered the rest of the Archipelago mere years after western interaction. Instead of simply teaching his soldiers how to use new technologies he recruited advisors how to teach people hoe to teach people how to maintain, drill, and fight with the new war technology.

This whole idea of enlightened centrism doesn't need to hopefully fasten itself to fertile hosts, but instead needs to target and groom specific individuals who will do what you said, how you said, ie Jordan Peterson's influence on yourself and the gender binary counterpart. Again, a viral memetic is allowed to strategically and consciously target these 'feudal lords' (I would use a different descritption) instead of coming across them by happenstance.

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So you're saying, that if I want to infect respectable people with my important ideas, I need to get off the streets and start taking anti-psychotics?

But that's takes time and money. Tell us paul, if a homeless schizophrenic wants to expand his memetic influence, how should he go about it? Is Diogenes really to much to strive for in this memetic landscape?

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Prolly acquiring a home and a job, not necessarily in that order, is a good start

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The bit at the end is a really powerful insight. The way a meme is presented and the aesthetic/manner(vibe) of the person presenting the meme is almost more important than the meme itself.

I've lost count of the amount of times I've told one of my more left-leaning friends about one of Jordan Peterson's ideas and had them think it was really insightful. But I know the moment I tell them it came from Jordan Peterson, they'll immediately disregard it.

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love the metaphors. they allow you to smuggle in novel memes through familiar ones. now that i think about it, metaphors have been integral to a lot of highly infective memetic viruses in history

the nazis’ likening of jews to vermin (which conjured deep-seated archetypes of plague and blight) was instrumental in swaying public opinion in favor of their removal. i took a class on genocide, and one thing it covered was how ubiquitously the vermin metaphor is employed by those seeking a popular mandate for the erasure of a people

the trans movement caught on so quickly in part by riding the coattails of the gay rights movement, co-opting the “born this way” metaphor to great success

to go one level deeper, the vermin metaphor plays on the conservative foundational value of purity, whereas the “born this way” one instantiates the liberal value of fairness. archetypes all the way down baby

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